Other People's Experience of Zersetzen - Spies & Disinformation

Zersetzen is a process of character assassination and threats developed by the former East German secret police, the Stasi, to persecute dissidents. Shockingly as our Spy Agencies morph into a secret police they are using Zersetzen techniques to persecute whistleblowers and enemies of power elites. Zersetzen is the biggest threat to democracy since the cold war. 

Zersetzen is a secret police tool and, not surprisingly, its practitioners in our Spy Agencies want to keep it a secret. So they use a whole barrage of "disinformation" tactics (and threats) to assist in this purpose.

Five Eyes & Disinformation

Their "disinformation" strategy includes heavy use of internet trolls, spreading fake news about genuine victims to discredit them, having Agent's Provocateur act as victims, or encourage nuts to do so and then make ludicrous claims that discredit the whole process.

So how do you tell the difference between genuine victims of Zersetzen and nuts? Well, for a start nuts don’t have 3rd party witnesses; but genuine victims often do. The Litmus Test that I apply is this: Genuine victims will usually have some corroborative evidence - eye witness testimony, recordings of threats, property damage, etc. - to back up some of the incidents. They will have tried to get the matter investigated and will also have evidence of a cover-up.

Look at the paper:

"Zersetzen - 25 Precedents":

The purpose of this paper "Zersetzen - 25 Precedents" is to counter the disinformation by providing examples of where Zersetzen / Zersetzung / Cointelpro has indeed happened to others, and to do so in a way that you can check the facts out on the internet for yourself.

Consider this:

  1. Some 25 cases of Zersetzen in the UK, Canada and USA are reviewed in "Zersetzen - 25 Precedents". As you can see for yourselves, these reported victims of Zersetzen include Nobel Laureates, Company Chairman and senior Diplomats. You can check their individual stories and credentials for yourself on the internet.

  2. The Paper also includes an overview of what various experts have said about Zersetzen; including a U.S. Senate Committee and the Stasi themselves.

  3. And then, of course, there are the Snowden revelations (see below). Here slides, that are actually used by one of the Spy Agency's (GCHQ), to train their operatives in Zersetzen techniques, were leaked to the public and I have published them in this Report for you to see.

Page 8 of the above "Zersetzen 25 Precedents" report refers to an article by a former Canadian intelligence operative that was published in Lobster Magazine and outlines the CSISs use against Canadian citizens of Zersetzen-style techniques. The article’s headline says it all — “CSIS and the Canadian Stasi. Here it is:

Lobster 61 GL Article

Page 20 of the above "Zersetzen 25 Precedents" report refers to a former international Arms Company Chairman’s critical speech on Spy Agencies—whom he alleges, with examples, are too close to the Deep State

Here is his speech. Click below to read it:

 Gerald Reaveley James


Edward Snowden's REVELATIONS

FVEY training staff in STASI / Zersetzung Methods:

 Edward Snowden published some leaked documentation, marked top secret, from the UK's signals / electronic intelligence service - GCHQ - that confirms that GCHQ is training its staff in the illegal use of Zersetzen-style secret police tactics, and that they are sharing their training material with others in the "Five Eyes" intelligence community.

This documentation was placed on the internet by NBC and others. I was asked to comment on it—based on my experience as a victim of Zersetzen.

The documents that Snowden revealed spell out tactics such as: how to commit illegal "dirty tricks", how to destroy a target's reputation, how to overwhelm and control the internet with phoney posts, and how to spread disinformation.

Indeed as their leaked documents (from the UKs GCHQ) show these Spy agencies are training some of their operatives in the use of Zersetzen-style techniques with the stated intention of causing "Physiological", "Cognitive", and "Affective Stress" in their targeted victims using methods designed, in GCHQ own words, to disrupt, destroy, diffuse and discredit their victims - the 4 D’s.

My Written Comments on Snowden Docs

Click on the the link below to read my comments on these Snowden revelations.

Comments on Snowden Docs

What Mr. Snowden is referring to, and what we continue to experience, is a process of persecution whose stated objectives are to "create cognitive, physiological and affective stress" in their targeted victims

These are disgusting secret police tactics; not those of a legitimate security / intelligence Agency.

Based on your own readings of the stuff NBC put on the internet, I hope that you will agree with my conclusion:

Slide 19th.PNG

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